January 27, 2025

Troop 55 Risk and Liability Acknowledgement

BOY SCOUT TROOP 55 (Troop 55B, Troop 55G, Crew 364)



I hereby acknowledge, on behalf of myself and my participating children, that they have my permission to attend any and all Scouting Activities conducted by Boy Scout Troop 55 (55B, 55G and Crew 364). Scouting activities include, but are not limited to, outdoor activities such as archery, ATV riding, cooking, hiking, bicycling, climbing, camping, skiing, skating, running, caving, shooting, whitewater rafting, scuba diving, fishing, snorkeling, surfing, SUP boarding, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, building and use of cooking stoves or campfires, being a passenger in a commercial or non-commercial vehicle, operation of and riding in watercraft (including kayaks, canoes, rowboats and motorized boats), and exposure to outdoor weather.

By signing the registration form I acknowledge that Scouting Activities, as set forth herein, can include the risk of serious illness, injury, and death. By signing this form I am releasing Boy Scout Troop 55, the National Capital Area Council, its chartering organization St. Francis Episcopal Church, the Boy Scouts of America, and any employee, volunteer, or agent of same, from any liability, whether known or unknown, even though such liability may arise out of the negligence or carelessness on the part of persons or organizations who may be involved in the Scouting Activities, as herein specified.

By signing this release the undersigned Scout and parent or guardian HEREBY AGREES TO WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS Boy Scout Troop 55, the Capital Area Council, St. Francis Episcopal Church, the Boy Scouts of America, and any employee, volunteer, or agent of same, FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES FOR DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ACCRUE AS A RESULT OF ANY PARTICIPATION IN ANY Scouting Activities.

I also understand that I may exempt my Scout from this general release only by non-participation in a particular activity or event.

In executing this Annual Permission Slip and Liability Release I hereby waive all claims against Boy Scout Troop 55, St. Francis Episcopal Church, the National Capital Area Council, the Boy Scouts of America, and any employee, volunteer, or agent of same for any illness or injury my son may sustain during activities, outings or events. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to the physician or hospital selected by the adult leader in charge to hospitalize, to administer anesthesia, or to order appropriate testing, injection, or surgery for my scouts(s) and/or myself.

I give permission for the leaders of Troop 55 to administer, in accordance with my direction, or the direction of another parent of the child, prescribed medications.

If I am involved in transporting Scouts on any activity, outing or event, I agree to ensure that seatbelts, or other age appropriate restraint, are available for all passenger and utilized at all times when the vehicle is moving. I further represent that I am over age eighteen (18) and that my vehicle is covered with a reputable insurance carrier with personal injury liability coverage not less than one million dollars for injury to passengers, and I understand that I am obligated to continue to carry and maintain such coverage during the time covered by this release. I understand that nothing in this permission slip and liability release is intended to act as a release of any insurance company which is contractually obligated to provide automobile insurance coverage for occupants of my vehicle in the event it is involved in an accident causing injury when being used to transport children or adults for Scouting Activities, as herein described.