May 8, 2024

March Outing – Crabtree Falls – Spy Rock 2015

CrabTree Falls – Spy Rock  -

Registration deadline on February 25th

March 7-8, 2015
Where:   Crabtree Falls Campground for New Scout Patrol (NSP), Appalachian Trail toward Spy Rock for older Patrols
Time:   Arrive at the St. Francis parking lot at 6:30 am on Saturday, March 7, 2015
Return to St. Francis mid-to-late afternoon on Sunday, March 8, 2015


Troop 55 continues its backpacking ventures with trip to a portion of the Appalachian Trail. On this trip, older scouts will hike approximately 12 miles over two days in the George Washington National Forest taking in breathtaking views at the top of Crabtree Falls and Spy Rock.  NSP will have an option to hike to and from the tops of Crabtree Falls on Saturday and Spy Rock on Sunday along with taking a tour of the Montebello Virginia State Fish Hatchery. The NSP will car-camp at the Crabtree Falls Campground

Scouts should either eat breakfast at home or bring a meal for the car on Saturday morning. Scouts are responsible for their own lunch on the trail Saturday. Foods such as dried fruit, granola bars, beef jerky, trail mix and other lightweight snacks are recommended. Saturday dinner,Sunday breakfast, and Sunday trail lunch are planned and prepared by patrols. Scouts should bring some cash for lunch on the return trip Sunday.
Each hiker should bring at least two 32 oz. Nalgene bottles for water. Scouts should remember the potential need for layered clothing when they pack. Synthetic clothing is preferred. Bring rain gear (no ponchos please) and a warm sleeping bag. It will be cold in the evening. Pack for changeable weather, and be ready for a great adventure in the woods.

There is a $38 fee ($10 transportation) for each scout and parent attending. THE TRANSPORTATION FEE IS WAIVED FOR BOTH SCOUT AND PARENT IF THE PARENT IS DRIVING. Payment price $38 non-driver/$28 if driving .

Pictures from the last outing can be found HERE:

A video of this last outing can be found HERE:

A link to what some of the Scouts can expect is found in this Plan  (Note Dates are not correct in this pdf –  it’s an older document)


Please contact Teri Fahlgren 703-757-0055 or tfahlgren [at] gmail [dot] com

Payment – Please use the PayPal button at top right labeled “Paypal for March 7-8 Crabtree Outing”  to pay the fees for this outing or bring a check for the total fees made payable to BSA Troop 55 to the next troop outing.

Permission Submission – Use the form below to submit outing information.  A copy of the submitted information will be sent to the email you input below for your records.

If you would prefer not to submit online, please:

Your Name (submitter) (required):

Your Email (required):

Your Home Phone (required):

Emergency Phone Number:

Scout(s) Name(s) & Adult Name(s):

Does your child take medication? Yes No 

If Yes, Please specify. If No, put "N/A" in the box below.

I hereby give permission for my son(s) to attend the BSA Troop 55 camping trip to Crabtree Falls Marcy 7-8, 2015 and grant authority to the adult leadership of the troop to authorize the provision of medical care for my son as may be necessary.
Parent signature:

Note: Entering your name in the above signature box constitutes an electronic signature.

Driving - I will drive my car: Yes No 

Driver Name:

Enter year of car being driven

Enter make and model of car

The car has room for (enter #) (including the driver).

I have filed an Adult BSA Application, completed the Youth Protection Training and Certification, understand that I will be expected to support the Troop Activities, and will depart & return with the Troop unless cleared in advance by the Scoutmaster and Committee Outing Chair: Yes No N/A 

Driver's cell phone number:

Driver's email:


Outing Options:

Note: The form will not calculate your fees for you. Please calculate your total fees and enter them in the Total Fees box below. There is a $38 fee ($10 transportation) for each scout and parent attending. THE TRANSPORTATION FEE IS WAIVED FOR BOTH SCOUT AND PARENT IF THE PARENT IS DRIVING. Payment price $38 non driver/$18 if driving.

Enter total number of scouts and adults for each option (0, 1, 2, etc.):
- Total Members in family going if NOT driving - Cost per person if not driving is $38

- Total Members in family going if driving - Cost per person if driving is $28.

Total Fees:

I will pay by: PayPal Online Check Mulch Debit