December 23, 2024

January 2015 Outing – Blue Ridge Center Camping

When:    January 17-18, 2015
Where:   Blue Ridge Center, Purcellville, VA 
Time:   Arrive at the St. Francis parking lot at 7:00 AM on Saturday morning January 17th – Return to St. Francis on Sunday, January 18thThe Blue Ridge Center is located on 900 acres of woodlands in an area known as “Between the Hills” (nestled between the Blue Ridge and Short Hill Mountain).  Scouts will camp at Demory Field and share views that extend over a meadow and down the Between the Hills valley toward the Potomac River.  Demory Field offers potable water, a fire pit, grills, picnic tables, and a large pavilion. Scouts will be geo-caching before lunch.  After lunch scouts will hike, work on their scout skills and participate in cold weather Wilderness Survival training and exercises.  Scouts should be prepared for cold nights as well as layered clothing during the day – Warm dry clothes (no cotton) for sleeping, extra layers (no cotton); an extra pair of dry socks (no cotton) and shoes in case they get wet. Scouts must arrive at St. Francis at 7:00am Saturday morning after having breakfast. Patrols will prepare Saturday lunch and dinner and Sunday (hot) breakfast. Dinner on Saturday will be cooked on an open fire.  Patrols will plan for this at the troop meetings prior to the outing.  Scouts should bring money for a quick lunch stop for the return trip Sunday. Scouts will call their parents as they near the church.

OUTING GEAR:  It is important that scouts pack their own gear so they know what they have with them and where to find it.  Not sure what gear to bring?  

Cost per scout: $28 for non-driver and $18 if driving.  THE TRANSPORTATION FEE IS WAIVED FOR BOTH SCOUT AND PARENT IF THE PARENT IS DRIVING. 

Please contact Teri Fahlgren, tfahlgren [at] yahoo [dot] com or troop55activities2 [at] gmail [dot] com

Payment – Please use the PayPal button at top right to pay the fees for this outing or bring a check for the total fees made payable to BSA Troop 55 to the next troop meeting.

Permission Submission – Use the form below to submit outing information.  A copy of the submitted information will be sent to the email you input below for your records. If you would prefer not to submit online, please:

Your Name (submitter) (required):

Your Email (required):

Your Home Phone (required):

Emergency Phone Number:

Scout(s) Name(s) & Adult Name(s):

Does your child take medication? Yes No 

If Yes, Please specify. If No, put "N/A" in the box below.

I hereby give permission for my son(s) to attend the BSA Troop 55 Blue Ridge Center outing, January 17-18, 2015 and grant authority to the adult leadership of the troop to authorize the provision of medical care for my son as may be necessary.
Parent signature:

Note: Entering your name in the above signature box constitutes an electronic signature.

Driving - I will drive my car: Yes No 

Driver Name: My car (enter model and make) has room for (enter #) (including the driver).

I have filed an Adult BSA Application, completed the Youth Protection Training and Certification, understand that I will be expected to support the Troop Activities, and will depart & return with the Troop unless cleared in advance by the Scoutmaster and Committee Outing Chair: Yes No N/A 

Driver's cell phone number:

Driver's email:


Outing Options:

Note: The form will not calculate your fees for you. Please calculate your total fees and enter them in the Total Fees box below.

Enter total number of scouts and adults for each option (0, 1, 2, etc.):

- Outing and Meal Fees ($28 per person non-driver; $18 if parent is driving)

Total Fees:

I will pay by: PayPal Online Check Mulch Debit