March 29, 2025

Troop Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Troop Committee Chair: The committee is the troop’s “Board of Directors” and the Committee Chair
oversees all committee operations necessary to support the Scoutmaster in administration of the Troop’s program. The chair organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed, and presides over the monthly troop committee meetings. The chair is responsible for ensuring that quality adult leadership is recruited and trained; advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting and the chartered organization; supports leaders in carrying out the program; is responsible for finances; obtains, maintains and properly cares for troop property; ensures the troop has an outdoor program; supports the Scoutmaster in working with problems that may affect the overall program; and provides for the special needs and assistance some boys may require. The Chair “hosts” the Troop’s Court of Honor and Eagle ceremonies.

Secretary: The Troop Committee Secretary keeps the minutes of meetings and distributes meeting notices. At each monthly troop committee meeting, the Secretary reports the minutes of the previous meeting. This person is responsible for maintaining the official copy of record for all of Troop 55’s documents such as the Bylaws, meeting minutes and agendas, and policy or guideline documentation.

Treasurer: The Troop Committee Treasurer handles all troop funds, and pays bills on the recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. The treasurer makes the annual budget submission, as specified in the Troop By-Laws, to the Troop Committee for adoption. The Treasurer also maintains adequate financial records; maintains checking and savings accounts; supervises money-earning projects, including fundraising accounts (e.g. “mulch” and “parental” accounts); and reports to the troop committee at each monthly meeting on the status of the Troop’s financial condition.

Scouting Activities Sub-committee Chair: This committee is responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination, and execution of all logistical functions that support troop outdoor activities. This includes monthly camping trips, day trips, and special events such as Scout Camporees, summer camps, and High Adventure programs. This subcommittee supports the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters by contacting destination campsites, arranging payments and registration, arranging and coordinating transportation, requesting and securing required tour permits, performing equipment dry-out after return from camping, and providing communications with parents before, during, and after each camping activity.

Membership & Communications Sub-committee Chair: This committee is responsible, in consultation with the Scoutmaster, for the Troop’s internal/external communications and membership relations. The chair oversees activities to facilitate efficient and effective communications to ensure timely parent knowledge of troop activities and events. The committee promotes public relations communications to the outside public that promote Troop 55’s image in the community. The committee works with the Assistant Scoutmaster for Communications to ensure the website provides an effective and efficient means of keeping all scouts and parents informed and providing for the retention of historical information and materials. The chair also ensures the Troop procures and maintains a supply of troop T-shirts and hats, and makes them available periodically for purchase. Finally, the committee chair is responsible for ensuring troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for BSA-required training, and works with the district training team in scheduling Fast Start training for all new leaders.

Advancement Sub-committee Chair: This committee supports the Scoutmaster in his/her lead role implementing the Advancement program of the troop. The Advancement chair works with the Assistant Scoutmaster for Advancement to encourage scouts to advance in rank. In addition, the chair coordinates, oversees and implements the scheduling of periodic (at a minimum, quarterly) Boards of Review for advancement of candidates recommended by the Scoutmaster. The committee also conducts Boards of Review and Court of Honor for Eagle candidates as required. The committee plans, schedules, and runs the Troop’s quarterly Court of Honors, to include submission of advancement reports to the council office, securing the applicable insignia and certifications, preparing an agenda, ensuring participation of appropriate personnel, arranging refreshments, and providing oversight of scout set-up and clean-up of meeting facilities. The committee also plans, schedules, and executes the annual troop picnic.  Finally, the Advancement chair is responsible for maintaining the Troop’s merit badge counselor list.

Special Events Sub-committee Chair: This committee supports the Scoutmaster by planning, coordinating, managing, and executing the Troop’s ‘special events’, to include all fundraising activities, the annual Scouting for Food drive, the annual Friends of Scouting campaign, and Community Service events. The chair of the committee is responsible for ensuring that all fundraising events comply with the objectives of providing an opportunity for scouts to raise funds for scout activities for the troop and themselves, and providing for a team-building experience. Fundraising events may be directed to general troop activities or to specialized drives as authorized by the Troop Committee (e.g. High Adventure programs). At the direction of the Troop Committee the chair coordinates, manages, and executes annual “Scouting for Food” drive in November, and the annual Friends of Scouting drive in the spring. In consultation with the Scoutmaster, the chair is responsible for identifying, coordinating and executing appropriate Boy Scout Community Service projects such as the Troop’s Adopt-a-Highway program with VDOT.