May 8, 2024

2022 September Troop 55 Outing – Dolly Sods Backpacking

When:  September 24-26, 2020
Where: Dolly Sods Wilderness, Monongahela National Forest, WV
Time: Arrive at the St. Francis parking lot at 6:30 AM on Saturday morning, September 24th
Return to Great Falls Library by late afternoon on Sunday, September 25th

Dolly Sods and its’ environs are considered the premier backpacking locales east of the Mississippi River. They feature varied terrain and eco-zones more reminiscent of parts of Canada than the mid-Atlantic. The scouts will backpack and camp in patrols along Red Creek or along the many scenic meadows above the bogs of the wilderness.

Scouts must be prepared for creek crossings and cold nights when we camp. This means a change into warm dry clothes (no cotton) for sleeping, extra layers (no cotton) to add on as we climb in elevation, water shoes, walking stick (if you have one), and extra pairs of dry socks (no cotton) if they get wet on the crossings.  You should have a minimum of two, preferably three, 1-liter Nalgene bottles filled with water when we meet at the church. As always, the boys must bring rain gear for both the upper and lower body.

Scouts must arrive at St. Francis at 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning after having breakfast. They must bring a personal trail lunch for the hike on Saturday. Patrols will prepare Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast. Scouts should bring money for a quick lunch stop for the return trip on Sunday. Return is estimated by 2 p.m. Sunday.  Scouts will call their parents as they near the library.

There is a $50 fee for each scout and parent attending (which includes a $25 transportation fee). The transportation fee is waived for both scout and parent if the parent is driving.

Troop 55 General Risk and Liability Acknowledgement

By signing this registration, the participant(s) and the parents agree to the general risk and liability acknowledgement and agreement (Link here).

Troop 55 COVID19 Risk and Liability Acknowledgement
Due to COVID-19 safety consideration, we require all scouts and adults wearing masks during car ride,  do not share food and drink, and do their best for social distance. By signing this registration, the participant(s) and the parents agree to the COVID19 risk and liability acknowledgement and agreement (Link here).


Registration and payment is due by Thursday, Sept  22, 2020

Questions? Please contact Cindy Xie via email or  703-655-1530

Payment – Please use the PayPal button at top right to pay the fees for this outing or bring a check for the total fees made payable to BSA Troop 55 to the next troop meeting.

Permission Submission - Use the form below to submit outing information.  A copy of the submitted information will be sent to the email you leave below for your records.

2022 09 Dolly Sods Trip