December 22, 2024

Old Rag – Scorpion’s Historian Report – Sep. 29-30, 2018

Historian Oct. 4The Old Rag hike was very long, but the scenery was exceptionally beautiful and worth it. We started off early in the morning, and left around 7:30. After a 2 hour car ride which I slept through, we arrived at the parking area, and began our way up the Old Rag hiking trail around 9:30. After our ascent of the mountain, we ran into a large amount of people in line and had about an hour delay. The Scorpions reached the summit around 1:30, in which we took a short break for sightseeing, and then began our descent. When we finally arrived at the bottom by the parking lot, we waited for about 30 minutes for the rest of the patrols to arrive at the parking lot. Then we got in the cars for about an hour to drive to the campsite. The Scorpions started cooking around 8:45, and we had a great meal of kebab sticks with ham, peppers, onions, and pineapple with cinnamon, along with some very good fried rice that I made. We went to sleep around 10:30 PM.

After waking up, the Scorpions quickly packed up our bags and tents, and started cooking. Our breakfast meal took a very long time because we had to cook bacon, and multiple eggs, but it was worth it. The Scorpions had kebab sticks (again) with bagels with melted cheese on them, fried egg, bacon, and ham, accompanied by orange juice. It was a healthy, tasty, and filling breakfast, especially after the previous day’s hike. After grace and breakfast, we did car assignments, and got in the cars. After an hour and a half long drive, we arrived at the Great Falls Library at around 1:10 PM. The Old Rag outing experience was a first for me, and I would say the view and the fun rock climbing bits are very pleasuring, and definitely worth the tiring hike.

Historian Oct. 3
Historian Oct. 2 Historian Oct. 1