December 22, 2024

OA Centenial Tour

OA Centennial TOUR
Camp Snyder – NCAC
July 26, 2015

The National Order of the Arrow is celebrating its Centennial this year. It was founded 100 years ago at the Treasure Island BSA Camp about 10 miles from the Ockanickon Scout Reservation, our 2014 summer camp location. All Scouts and Scouters will be welcomed.

A part of that celebration is an OA grand tour that will be hosted by NCAC for one day, July 26, at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. This tour stop will consist of a full day program centered on the Order of the Arrow’s centennial. Exhibits and fun interactive scout events will be available.

The ArrowTour will be an amazing opportunity for everyone, you don’t even have to be an OA member to attend. This is an NCAC sponsored event so everyone is invited!

This will be an amazing opportunity for scouts and scouters to participate in the OA centennial and have a great time. I encourage everyone to go out and have fun.