December 21, 2024

iSchool for the Future – Troop 55 Scouts Help Celebrate an early Earth Day

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Troop 55 scouts helped iSchool for the Future, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children succeed in the 21st century, to celebrate an early Earth Day on April 17th , 2015.

Here is what the iSchhol for the Futuret said about th science station managed and staffed by Troop 55 scouts Mathew M. and Grant S.:

” This was also a learning experience for our great volunteers from Boy Scout Troop #55, who were experts on molecules by the end of the Science Day.

 To read more about the community service event, please visit here:IMG_0948 (1)

 iSchool’s Science Day at MOM’s Organic Market Celebrates an early Earth Day

Troop 55 scout Matthew M. wrote a short report for this community service event:

Volunteering at the iSchool for the future™ event was a good opportunity and experience. The event was to help kids learn about science.  They had displays on composting, pH, potato batteries, paper helicopters, and water runoff.  

I helped set up and worked at the station on pH,  Grant S. came later and helped too, and our main action was on setup and takedown.   Kids liked the colorful liquids at the pH station, and the potato station got some interesting questions from adults.  

I felt like it was a great choice to go there because you got a sense of satisfaction by helping others.