On Saturday, September 15th, 10 quartermasters along with Mr. Reuss and Mr. Phillips cleaned out the troop trailer, took inventory of the gear and did training exercises. The troop equipment now is all squared away and ready for the upcoming Fall Outing.
In addition to the trailer clean-up and inventory, the quartermasters participated in the Grate Patrol service project at St. Francis where they helped make sandwhiches and assemble bag lunches for the homeless in the District.
And finally, these high-energy scouts moved all the spars and logs at the back of the church parking lot to the side of Harris Hall. Mr. Phillips was very excited to have them do this. Overall these dedicated scouts spent 5 hours at the church working hard on behalf of the troop and church.
A big thanks also goes to Mr. MacKichan who made some much needed repairs and improvements to the trailer and several of the chuckboxes.