March 2025 Assateague Island Outing National Seashore
March 2025 Assateague Island Outing National Seashore
Your Name (submitter) (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Home Phone (required)
Emergency Phone (required)
Scout(s) Name(s) & Adult Name(s):
Scout(s) Age
Does your child take medication?
If Yes, Please specify Medication, dosage, and times.
I hereby give permission for my son(s) - type name of scout below:
Adult Leader Attending and Driving? (lower rates apply - see "Yes Driver" rates)
Adult Attendee Name
Adult Attendee Cell Number
My Car (enter year, model and make and license plate number - required for parking pass))
My Car has room for how many total Passengers (including driver)?
I have filled an Adult BSA Application, completed Youth Protection Training and Certification, understand that I will be expected to support the Troop Activities, and will depart & return with the Troop unless cleared in advance by the Scoutmaster and Committee Outing Chair:
Please Select Your Outing Registration Choice - On Time Registration, No Driver
One Scout (OR one adult) attending - $70
Two Scouts (OR one scout and one adult) attending - $130
Three total - $180
Four total - $220
Please Select Your Outing Registration Choice - On Time Registration, Yes Driver
One Scout (OR one adult) attending - $0
Two Scouts (OR one scout and one adult) attending - $20
Two Scouts and One Adult attending - $40
Four total - $60
Number of Scouts and Adults Attending
Amount I am Paying ( please retype amount from box above)
I will pay by:
Paypal Online (link in upper right corner of this registration web page)
Comments or Notes you'd like to make about the outing: